The Lacombe and District Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that online nominations are now open for the 2019 Business & Community Awards Gala.
The public is invited to nominate a business, individual or farm family until July 7th.
The categories are: Business of the Year, Non-Profit of the year, Farm Family, Citizen of the Year, Lifetime Achievement and People’s Choice for Customer Service (Individual and Business).
The public will be able to vote online for their ‘People’s Choice’ in individual and business categories from July 19th to September 13th.
The nominees and award winners will be recognized at the 2019 Business & Community Awards Gala on Saturday, Oct. 26th 2019 at 5:30 pm at the Lacombe Memorial Centre.
Tickets cost $75 each or $500 per table and are on sale for the general public at the Lacombe and District Chamber of Commerce office, 6005-50th Ave., Lacombe, open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or on our website at
To purchase tickets or for more information, please call 403 782 4300.
-Submitted by the Lacombe Chamber of Commerce