If it wasn’t already, this year’s municipal election is now well and truly underway.
Every piece of available municipal land is covered in campaign signs, sometimes right on top of each other and citizens can be seen wearing buttons supporting their preferred candidates.
Elections are exciting times for members of the media. It generates a lot of newsworthy material for us to write about.
It also gives readers a lot to talk about, which generates lots of discussion and debate and newspapers thrive on debate.
Debate is an important, nay, an essential part of the political process. Just as it is necessary for councillors to discuss and debate the items that come before them during council meetings, so too is it important for voters to discuss and debate the merits of different candidates.
As elections are probably the most important parts of the political process, it also means they are the times when it is most important for people to have their voices heard. It is also the time when people have the most input into the political process and that input has the greatest effect.
Lately, the Lacombe Express has been publishing a few editorials and columns about the importance of making one’s voice heard in the political process. We have encouraged readers to make the Express part of their debate and offered a way for them to express their opinions through letters to the editor.
With elections and the discussion and debate surrounding them being as important as they are, we want to continue to invite members of the public to share their opinions with us through letters to the editor.
However, it is important to note that, while fair criticism is welcome in letters to the editor, the Lacombe Express will not print letters that are ‘bashing’ any individual or group.
Again, just as councillors are expected to discuss, debate and disagree with each other in a professional, courteous and polite manner without insulting one another, we expect anyone submitting letters to the editor to be professional, courteous and accurate when commenting on candidates in the election.
If you would like to submit a letter to the editor praising, criticizing, or otherwise commenting on any election candidates, feel free to do so.
The Lacombe Express will gladly print any letters regarding the election as long as they are fair and do not contain claims that cannot be proven.
Remember, elections are the time when you, the voters, have the most power in the political process. Let us help you voice your opinions and maximize that input into the process this election.