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Only you can use your voice

Journalists are charged with reporting the news.

Journalists are charged with reporting the news. It is our job to provide you with the facts in order to inform you about all the goings on in the area.

Journalists strive to provide an objective, unbiased view of events. As such, we try our best not to allow our own opinions to enter the articles we write.

It is our job to inform, not to influence. Hence the saying, “We write the news, we don’t make it,” among journalists.

When we get to bend this rule is in columns and editorials, such as this one, where we are able to express our own opinions about issues and give the public something to think about. Such articles may create some healthy debate as well, which is something newspapers everywhere thrive upon.

Something that has generated a lot of discussion and debate lately is Lacombe’s Solid Waste Roadmap. While the Lacombe Express has written several stories and even an editorial or two regarding this topic, it is not something we wish to influence people’s opinions of one way or the other.

What we do want to influence people to do is make themselves heard and share their own opinions.

Whatever decision is made by Lacombe City council in September, it will affect all of Lacombians.

As such, any Lacombian who has any opinion about the Solid Waste Roadmap should make themselves heard.

And they do want to hear from you. City of Lacombe administration have gone to great lengths to both educate the public and listen to feedback, but they can’t force you to make yourself heard.

In a few short weeks, the information collected from the City of Lacombe’s education and feedback campaign will be presented to council, who will then be asked to once again make a decision on the Solid Waste Roadmap. This is the chance for all Lacombians to make sure their opinions are included in that report.

Time is running out to share your thoughts on the matter with the City of Lacombe. There are a number of ways to do this and for more information you should check out the City’s web site.

Want to share your opinion on the Solid Waste Roadmap with more than just the City of Lacombe? Send us a letter.

The Lacombe Express would be happy to print letters on the subject of the Solid Waste Roadmap.

We have already printed a few letters on the subject and would love to continue doing so. As we say, healthy debate is what papers thrive on.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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