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Council approves plan for downtown pedestrian plaza

Construction of Phase 1 is estimated to begin in September
(File photo)

Lacombe City council has endorsed the scope for Phase 1 of a redeveloped 49C Ave. pedestrian plaza in the centre of Lacombe’s downtown.

The redevelopment of this underutilized downtown space was approved after extensive collaboration and planning with the Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan (DARP) Committee, which had previously included the plaza on its list of priority projects approved by council in 2021, according to a release.

“After delivering the Heart of Lacombe, the DARP Committee has presented a future signature space for our community,” Mayor Grant Creasey said.

“The redevelopment of 49C Ave. will enable it to be a vibrant public space. The new pedestrian plaza will provide our residents with a space for community, creativity, and culture.”

The project will be completed in two phases, with $850,000 committed for this year and $600,000 in 2025.

This includes a $200,000 grant from the Government of Alberta through the Northern and Regional Economic Development Program.

Initial estimates have the project well below the original forecasted costs.

“The DARP Committee has worked diligently to create an engaging public space for our downtown while also being mindful of the needs and wants of our residents,” DARP Committee Chair Joe Whitbread said.

“We feel this phased approach to this project allows residents to see the immense value of a new plaza on 49C Ave. while recognizing the practical needs for parking and a safe commute.”

In the first phase, traffic will be altered into a one-way road heading south towards Highway 2A.

The north intersection along 50 Ave. (Highway 12) will be redesigned to include two bulbouts, creating a shorter, safer crosswalk heading west from the Flatiron Building.

The project also includes removing the crosswalk from the intersection in front of the Campbell Block (Home Hardware), a safety recommendation based on research conducted in 2023.

The space will include 10 new parking spaces on 49C Ave.

Sidewalks alongside 49C Ave. will gain an additional metre, encouraging pedestrian use in the plaza as well. 

Power access will be installed along the street, allowing for accent lighting and use for future events at the plaza. In preparation for a more active and pedestrian-oriented space, new access to the parking lots and shops along Highway 2A will be constructed.

Construction of Phase 1 is estimated to begin in September. For more on DARP Priority projects, visit