Lacombe City council approved phase one of the Social Needs Assessment and Prioritization Report, which outlines community social priorities for Lacombe.
bassa Social Innovations arrived at the following list of community priorities, identified through consultation in the first phase of the Social Needs Assessment and Prioritization Report:
• community action on mental health and addictions
• community support for families
• getting around and community access
• healthy homes and neighborhoods
"The Social Needs Assessment and Prioritization is a clear and concise process which will assist the City, Lacombe FCSS, and our community partners address the needs of all our residents," Mayor Grant Creasey said.
"Our city is known for its high quality of life, and this report will advance a collaborative effort to allow all citizens to benefit from living, working, and having fun right in Lacombe."
bassa Social Innovations Inc. research included an overview of Lacombe socioeconomic data using the 2021 federal census data, according to a release.
The process included the community through public and stakeholder input, including:
• council workshop feedback
• an interagency meeting
• focus groups
• councillor interviews
• key informant interviews
• prioritization workshop and an open house
• engagement visits to Lacombe Composite High School, the YU Turn Youth Centre, and the FCSS Community Supper.
The report recognized many assets and strengths, such as strong support networks and volunteerism, inclusive and accessible services, physical and social gathering spaces, active community programs, and community inclusivity and support.
Phase two will involve more engagement over the summer months, including:
• a community survey
• a community conference (including those with lived experience) on September 10th
• participation at the Sept. 11th Active Living Fair (Coffee with Council)
• a presentation of the draft phase two report to the FCSS board on Sept. 25th
• a final presentation to council on Oct. 15th.
Phase 2 will identify the community's short, medium, and long-term goals concerning the four phase one priority areas.
The report will also develop and identify municipal and other agency actions intended to achieve those goals and benchmarks of success.