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Council declares train whistle cessation at Wolf Creek Drive rail crossing

(File photo)

Lacombe City council has declared the discontinuation of train whistle use at the Wolf Creek Drive rail crossing.

City administration is working with Canadian Pacific Kansan City CPKC to end the use of whistles at this location within 30 days of the declaration date, according to a release.

In November 2023, the City and CPKC agreed that three of the five crossings within city limits were eligible for whistle cessation, but the Wolf Creek Drive intersection required pedestrian improvements to be completed before it was eligible for whistle cessation.

The City completed the installation of a pedestrian crossing across Highway 2A and the CPKC rail line connecting the sidewalk along Woodland Drive to the Len Thompson Fish Pond trail in 2024 removing the last barrier to whistle cessation for this crossing.

"Council is grateful for the work dedicated to removing train whistles at this intersection," Mayor Grant Creasey said. "Whistle cessation is a frequent request of our residents, and the removal of noise pollution at this intersection is a key milestone towards the strategic goal of limited whistles in Lacombe."

The final steps to achieve whistle cessation at this location are the City notifying the rail company of the resolution and the rail company confirming whistling has stopped at the crossings within 30 days.