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Blackfalds adopts snow and ice policy

Blackfalds has adopted a new policy to get rid of ice and snow.

Blackfalds has adopted a new policy to get rid of ice and snow.

At a meeting this week, Director of Infrastructure and Property Services Preston Weran presented an updated version of the snow removal and ice control policy which had been in place since 2011.

Highlights include less windrowing on roadways throughout most of the community, increased amount of snow removal by blowing and hauling snow and snow removal seven days a week. Weran went over a number of benefits including improved roadway conditions, limiting of safety hazards, increased parking and vehicle access, improved drainage into the storm water system during spring melt and improved placement for waste and recycling carts. Councillor Dean Wigmore had concerns regarding the prioritization of the snow removal routes. He expressed his concerns over certain routes “dead-ending” or being “orphaned” at points instead of carrying through other roads with the same prioritization. Wigmore made a few suggestions for the prioritization of routes to be changed. However, Weran informed council the priorities and clearing start times for the different routes were not as different as perceived.

Councillor Richard Poole asked if it would be prudent for the policy to be put in effect and then brought back for review after a few months. Weran said he would rather bring the policy back after it has been in effect for one complete winter.

Blackfald’s former snow removal policy was rescinded and the updated removal and ice policy was adopted by council as amended with a unanimous vote.