The first phase of expansion at MEGlobal Athletic Park in Lacombe is now complete.
Work included a doubling of the size of the field house with additional washrooms, change rooms, storage, meeting rooms, an elevator, a fully accessible viewing tower with space for media and coaches, and timing facilities for the running track.
Phase 2 of expansion will be the running track and field infrastructure.
“With the added dressing room space, washrooms, building accessibility and viewing tower, we feel we will be able to bring in larger, more diverse sporting events to Lacombe and area,” said Jay Adamson, president of Lacombe Athletic Park Association.
“We are so fortunate to have great community partners in the City of Lacombe, Lacombe County and Wolf Creek Public Schools who are in full support of the expansion phases. Of course, none of this would be possible without the strong partnership with MEGlobal and their financial commitment of $2 million to our project.”
MEGlobal will retain naming rights to the park until 2040.
“It’s an honour to put our name on this facility,” said Rocco Schurink, MEGlobal vice-president of manufacturing.
“We are so proud to be part of a project that will bring new opportunities to the community while enhancing the experience for players and fans alike.”
Work on Phase 1 began in September last year and created about 200 construction jobs over the past nine months.
Lacombe Mayor Grant Creasey commended the association for its commitment to developing a facility where young athletes can follow their passions to the fullest extent.
“This facility will help the athletes of Lacombe compete and train at the highest levels,” Creasey said.
Lacombe County Reeve Paula Law said Lacombe-area residents will benefit from the expansion.
“Lacombe County is an enthusiastic supporter of the Lacombe Athletic Park Association, and is very proud of the partnership we have had with them for the past many years,” Law said.
Jayson Lovell, superintendent of Wolf Creek Public Schools, said all partners are to be commended for supporting this important community asset.
“Wolf Creek Public Schools congratulates the many sponsors and supporters of the LAPA Field House Expansion Project,” Lovell said.