COVID-19 update
Council was provided with an update on the latest COVID-19 restrictions, statistics and the Province’s current vaccine statistics.
Road closure request - road plan 3593J - consolidation and sale
At the Nov. 30, 2021 meeting, by resolution, council instructed the county manager to proceed with the process to close Road Plan 3593J and that this proposal be circulated to interested parties for comment.
Council was informed that there were no objections received from government agencies, utility companies or adjacent landowners.
The following resolution received the approval of council and will be forwarded to the Minister of Alberta Transportation for approval:
In the matter of the closure to public travel and canceling a public highway in accordance with Section 24 of the Municipal Government Act, Chapter M-26, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, as amended; the land hereafter described is no longer required for public travel. Council of Lacombe County does hereby closed the following described road, subject to the rights of access granted by other legislation or regulations: 1) Plan 3593J lying within the SW 8-41-24 W4M (4.17 acres +/-)
Excepting there out all mines and minerals for the purpose of the consolidation of the 4.17 acres +/- with the lands in the Certificate of Title 202 096 153 +1 for the SW 8-41-24 W4M.
Len Thompson Fishpond accessibility project
As per council approval Lacombe County will provide a letter of support to the Lacombe Fish and Game Association for their application to the Community Facility Enhancement Program for funding for the proposed Len Thompson fishpond dock project.
Numan- tax cancelation penalty request
A motion that Lacombe County cancel the $357.50 late payment penalty levied on tax account
#3927242140 did not receive council approval.
HESC- tax cancelation penalty request
A motion that Lacombe County cancel the $45,139.27 late payment penalties levied on properties owned by HESC Energy did not receive council approval.
Robinson - tax cancelation penalty request
A motion that Lacombe County cancel the $135.18 late payment penalty levied on tax account #4102031001 did not receive council approval.
Buchanan - tax cancelation penalty request
A motion that Lacombe County cancel the $ 159.00 late payment penalty levied on tax account #3925091035 did not receive council approval.
Strategic plan overview
Due to the current situation with COVID-19 the strategic planning workshop to be held on Jan. 11 and 12, 2022 was postponed. The workshop will now be held March 8 and 9, 2022 in the Lacombe County Council Chambers commencing at 9 a.m. each day.
Enhance energy
Representatives from Enhance Energy provided a presentation on the activities and initiatives for the company. The presentation was received for information, and it was agreed that council will tour the company’s facility in the future.
Next regular council meeting is Thursday, Jan.31, 2022 at 9 a.m. and the next committee of the whole meeting is Feb. 1, 2022 at 9 a.m. at the Lacombe County Administration Building. For more details from Lacombe County Council meetings, please refer to the meeting minutes. All meeting minutes are posted on the website, after approval.