Village of Alix/Lacombe County Intermunicipal Development Plan public hearing - A public hearing was held for Bylaw No.1278/18. Bylaw No. 1278/18 is a bylaw of Lacombe County to amend the Village of Alix/Lacombe County Intermunicipal Development Plan, Bylaw No. 1158/12. Council subsequently approved second and third reading of the bylaw.
Village of Clive/Lacombe County Intermunicipal Development Plan Public Hearing - A public hearing was held for Bylaw No.1279/18. Bylaw No. 1279/18 is a bylaw of Lacombe County to amend the Village of Clive/Lacombe County Intermunicipal Development Plan, Bylaw No. 1158/12. Council subsequently approved second and third reading of the bylaw.
Zoning bylaw public hearing - Bylaw No. 1273/18, a bylaw of Lacombe County to amend the Lacombe County Land Use Bylaw No. 1237/17 to rezone approximately 60.4 hectares (149.3 acres) on NE 28-39-27-W4M (excepting Lot 1 Block 5 Plan 132 2124) and Lot 7 Block 6 Plan 182 0290, Pt. NW 28-39-27-W4M, from Agricultural ‘A’ District to Business Industrial ‘I-BI’. The bylaw was given first reading by Council and approval to hold a public hearing on July 9, 2018 commencing at 9:00 a.m.
Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw - As per resolution Council will continue to review the Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw through the Annual Report and Monitoring Matrix as outlined at the March 8, 2018 Council meeting; and further, the next review will be scheduled for early 2019.
Cannabis in Your Community engagement strategy - Council endorsed the public engagement strategy for the Cannabis in Your Community public meetings to be held on July 17, 2018 at the Bentley Ag Center and on July 18, 2018 at the Mirror Community Hall from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.; and further, the meetings be hosted in partnership with Alberta Health Services (AHS).
Alix Community Hall - A resolution that Lacombe County contribute a maximum of $ 3,500 for the upgrades to the Alix Community Hall washrooms; and further, that this contribution be funded from the Recreation Capital Assistance Reserve received Council approval.
Mirror Community Network funding request - A request from the Mirror Community Network for funding for the Abundant Communities Mirror Project Neighborhood Connector position was referred to the County Manager for the preparation of a report to be presented at the June 28, 2018 Council meeting.
Spruceville Road paving - As per a recommendation from the June 5, 2018 Committee of the Whole meeting the County Manager was directed to prepare a report regarding the paving of the Spruceville Road (RR 27-4) from Highway 12 to the Aspelund Road for Council’s consideration.The report regarding the Spruceville Road paving was presented later in the meeting.
By resolution of Council the County Manager was authorized to plan and budget for the paving of the Spruceville Road (RR 27-4) from Highway 12 to the Aspelund Road in the year 2020 for an estimated cost of $ 4,579,461.
Milton West Branch Road naming - By resolution of Council the County Manager was directed to prepare a report regarding the naming of the three miles of Twp Rd 41-2 from Spruceville Road to Highway 792 as an addition to the Milton West Branch Road; and further, this report will be presented at a future Council meeting.
Gimlet Road naming - By resolution of Council the County Manager was directed to prepare a report regarding the naming of Range Road 4-3 from Highway 12 north to the Clearwater County boundary as Gimlet Road; and further, this report will be presented at a future Council meeting.
Policy on subdivision and road naming - By resolution of Council the County Manager was directed to prepare a report regarding Policy AD(20) Subdivision and Road Naming; and further, this report will be presented at a future Council meeting.
Range and township road signs - By resolution of Council the County Manager was directed to prepare a report regarding the costs of installing range and township road signs on named roads in Lacombe County; and further, this report will be presented at a future Council meeting.
Council compensation (elimination of the tax exemption)- A report relative to the elimination of the tax exemption on Council compensation was received for information; and further, this issue will be placed on the August 7, 2018 Committee of the Whole meeting agenda.
Councillor Self Evaluation form - A resolution that Council complete the Councillor Self Evaluation Form every six months received Council approval.
Vesta Energy - A presentation by representatives of Vesta Energy on the initiatives and projects of Vesta Energy within Lacombe County was received for information by Council.
Lacombe County Strategic Plan 2018 to 2023 - The Lacombe County Strategic Plan 2018 to 2023 was approved by Council as presented.
CENTRAL ALBERTA ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP BROADBAND INITIATIVE A report on the Central Alberta Economic Partnership Broadband Initiative was received for information.
Intermunicipal collaboration framework discussion protocols - Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Discussion Protocols between Lacombe County and the Town of Bentley, the Village of Clive and the Village of Alix received Council approval.
Council Code of Conduct - A bylaw of Lacombe County to establish a Code of Conduct for members of Council received first, second and third reading and was so passed by Council. Policies CC(10) Acceptance of Gifts by Council and CC(11) Council Personal Code of Conduct were therefore rescinded.
-Submitted by Lacombe County