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Lacombe County reminds ice fishers to ‘Take it off’

Campaign is intended to remind anglers to remove their huts from central Albertan lakes

Lacombe County is reminding ice fishers to remove their huts before the spring thaw with their “Take it Off” campaign.

Removing the huts is import to protect the sensitive lake environment, according to a release from the County.

Legally, they do not need to be removed from local lakes, which includes Sylvan Lake, Gull Lake and Buffalo Lake, until March 31, however, the County said it is important these structures and all the garbage collect in them over the season is off the ice before the ice surface deteriorates.

“Our lakes contain sensitive ecosystems, and by removing your ice hut from the ice before the lake begins to thaw will protect the animal and plant life, as well as the water quality,” said Jennifer Berry, Environmental Coordinator for Lacombe County. “We all want our lakes to remain healthy, so we can enjoy them safely all year round, and not have people swimming or boating in contaminated water.”

The County said that most fishers do remove their structures, but some do end up being left and therefore sink. These sunken huts are detrimental to lake health and the safety of others who use the lake.

Debris can include wood, gasoline, furniture and plastic — all of which are hazardous to the ecosystems of the lakes.

People can register their huts at or at

-Submitted by Lacombe County