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Reds Source for Sports in Lacombe supporting Food Bank with bike tune-ups

$20 from each tune up going to the Lacombe and District Food Bank
Tammy Derowin (right) and her staff at Reds Source for Sports are supporting the Lacombe and District Food Bank by donating $20 of each bike tune-up. (Lacombe Express file photo)

Reds Source for Sports is looking to help the Lacombe and District Food Bank through the COVID-29 pandemic.

“What we are doing is that until April 18, every (bike) tune-up we do — we are donating $20 to the Lacombe Food Bank,” Owner Tammy Derowin said.

The idea came partly from an annual tradition where Derowin and her husband choose a charity around their April birthdays and secondly, supporting the causes that their customers choose.

“When people purchase from our store — they get to pick a non-profit and sporting group they want to support and a lot of people in the Lacombe community have chosen the Food Bank,” she said.

Derowin said they try to find a way to support the Food Bank every year, with this year being even more important due to the pandemic.

“So far, we have done in the last week 21 bike tunes which represents around $420 to the Food Bank and we actually have 12 more bikes that are currently being worked on,” she said.

Derowin said the response has been overwhelming.

“The staff of Blindman Brewing brought their bikes down, which was really exciting and we had a family who brought six bikes in. It has been going really well, we are really please and we even have had people who have donated who have had complimentary bike tunes,” she said.

Reds has been working hard to keep their employees working while also looking to ensure their and their customers safety

“We are working our entire store, including bike repair from curbside or delivery service. Everything is done through phone, email or social media contacts. For bike repairs, if they are in Lacombe, we will pick it up form the customer if they can’t come in,” she said

Derowin said they will continue to support Lacombe during and after the pandemic.

“We don’t have a new fundraiser in place specifically but every purchase in our store will build value for the group that they choose. That continues year-round,” she said.

She added, “Lacombe has been good to us going through this and they have been very understanding. We are really pleased to live in a really good community.”

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