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Fall session of the 31st legislature wraps up for the year

Lacombe-Ponoka MLA Jennifer Johnson. (Photo submitted)

Fall session of the 31st legislature came to an end late Wednesday, Dec. 4 and saw 13 pieces of legislation passed.

Some of the highlights of these bills included:

- Bill 24 - the Alberta Bill of Rights Amendment Act which included amendments to property rights, right to refuse medical procedures and the right to gun ownership. 
- Bills 26, 27 and 29 dealt with amendments to the Health Status Amendment Act and Education Amendment Act and Fairness and Safety in Sport. These bills will strengthen parental involvement in their children’s health and educational choices. They will preserve the choices of children and youth and implement health policies around gender reassignment that align with international evidence-based best practices.
- Bills 33 Protection of Privacy Act and 34 Access to Information Act brought in the strongest privacy laws in Canada and updated our information act that had not been updated since before the arrival of the Internet!

Fall session is a busy time for meetings.

Some of the many I attended included the Bill Nielsen Memorial Run in Lacombe, the Empty Bowls Fundraiser in Blackfalds, Chamber Business events, Alberta Jewish Federation, the Remembrance Day service in Ponoka, Alberta Federation of Rural Electrification Association, Farmfair in Red Deer, the Alberta School Board Association breakfast, the FCSS breakfast, the Ponoka and District Health Foundation Festival of Trees Gala, and so many more within the constituency and in Edmonton. 

There are many more Christmas events still to come in the area and I hope you will be able to attend at least one. 

I wish you all the very best over the Christmas season. As you gather with family and friends, may you experience the warmth of friendship and community. I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!