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Introducing the Lacombe and District Ministerial Association

On behalf of the Lacombe and District Ministerial Association (LDMA), I’d like to thank the Lacombe Express for giving us a voice


On behalf of the Lacombe and District Ministerial Association (LDMA), I’d like to thank the Lacombe Express for giving us a voice in this community through this ‘faith column’.

As the current president, it’s my privilege to write the first article. So, I’d like to give a brief introduction to the LDMA.

When I think of the LDMA, three words come to mind - support, unity and collaboration.

Support. The LDMA is a place of support for local pastors and church leaders.

We meet once a month for two hours. We spend the first hour supporting each other. We tell stories. We talk about life and ministry.

We try to do what St. Paul says in Romans 12:15 NIV: “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” We reflect on a passage of Scripture, and we pray for each other.

Let me tell you, that is a very important hour of my month! I’m thankful for the support I’ve received at the LDMA.

Unity. The Church of Jesus Christ is called to make more disciples (students, apprentices) of Christ (Matthew 28:16-20). In order to do that, we must work together. After all, Jesus prayed for our unity in John 17:20-23.

So at the LDMA, we’re colleagues working together to preach the gospel, make disciples of Christ, and serve the community.

And one of the ways that we seek to enhance our unity, in addition to meeting monthly as leaders, is to worship together every July (Lacombe Days ecumenical worship service).

Collaboration. Each local church is making a difference in this community. Each church has its own specific and unique calling in addition to the larger and general calling of making disciples of Christ.

We need each other to fulfill our callings! So as we gather each month, we seek to learn from each other. We explore ways that we can partner together in ministry, so that we don’t inadvertently duplicate programs, and so that we can become more effective in fulfilling our calling.

For example, the LDMA seeks to support and partner with Wolf Creek Youth Unlimited.

We participate in the local schools Christian Education program. We lead weekly worship services at the local senior’s facilities.

And we serve the Lacombe Hospital and Care Centre as on-call chaplains.

So, that’s a brief introduction to the LDMA.

I’d like to thank all of the pastors and church leaders who attend the ministerial, and their churches that allow them to be a part of this organization.

And I’d like to thank this community for its support and encouragement.