“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22
It’s a wonderful time of year — summer vacation! As we move into summer holidays and look back at the school year, we give thanks to God for the many successes and good news moments we’ve enjoyed.
After years of not being able to gather in person to learn, celebrate and pray, we are so grateful to have finally been able to do so this year. We shared school masses, concerts, in-person field trips, and many other wonderful moments together.
We enjoyed working with our parishes and communities, parent volunteers, and many other wonderful supporters, and we were proud to give back to those same communities through outreach and social justice projects.
We also celebrated the achievements of graduates from Christ the King School, Holy Trinity Academy, St. Augustine School, and STAR Catholic Outreach.
We know these incredible young people have bright futures ahead of them, and we ask that God continue to bless and guide them on this next chapter of their journey.
It certainly was a wonderful school year, and the STAR Catholic Board of Trustees thanks students, staff, and administration for the work they did to make it so meaningful. Whatever your plans for the summer are, we pray it is safe and happy. Make new memories, share many laughs, and spend valuable time in the sunshine with the ones you love.
This column was submitted by STAR Catholic Schools. Marilyn Burke (marilyn.burke@starcatholic.ab.ca) is the local Trustee on the STAR Catholic Schools Division Board. STAR Catholic Schools has more than 4,400 students in 12 schools located in Beaumont, Drayton Valley, Leduc, Lacombe, Ponoka and Wetaskiwin.
- Submitted by STAR Catholic