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STAR COLUMN: Celebrating Catholic Education Week with “Signs of Gratitude”

Catholic Education Week takes place every year during the month of May
Donna Tugwood/STAR Catholic Columnist

“Rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” – Colossians 2:7

Catholic Education Week takes place every year during the month of May. This year is undoubtedly very different from others, but despite the unusual circumstances, we will celebrate the gift of Catholic education with as much gratitude and joy as ever before.

The theme of this year’s Catholic Education Week, which takes place from May 18 to 22, is “United in Prayer and Grateful for our Catholic Schools.” Ordinarily, we would mark the occasion in our schools with staff, students, and families by gathering to pray and celebrate.

It’s true we can’t be physically together right now, and it goes without saying we are all missing our friends, classmates, school staff, and colleagues. Reminding ourselves of why we love our schools and why we will be so grateful to finally return to them will help us remain positive and hopeful during these times of uncertainty.

That’s why we’re inviting our school communities to come together in thanks by sharing “Signs of Gratitude” — handmade signs listing a reason you are grateful for your Catholic school.

Photos of individuals holding their creations can be posted to social media using the hashtag #IBelieveInCatholicEd and tagging @STARCatholic (Twitter and Instagram) or STAR Catholic School Division (Facebook).

It is our hope that coming together to create and share expressions of thanks will help us feel connected and united despite the physical distance between us. We can’t wait to see what you have to say!

We have much to be grateful for during this month and any other — during times of uncertainty as well as times of normalcy. Practice the virtue of gratitude every day, give thanks to God for blessings large and small, and live your life with a full and grateful heart.

-This column was submitted by STAR Catholic Schools. Donna Tugwood ( is the local Trustee on the STAR Catholic Schools Division Board. STAR Catholic Schools has more than 4,400 students in 12 schools located in Beaumont, Drayton Valley, Leduc, Lacombe, Ponoka and Wetaskiwin.