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The urgent need to end the uncertainty over restrictions

The urgent need to end the uncertainty over restrictions

The more time that passes, the more the restrictions on our lives seem to have run their course in the eyes of the population
Invoking the Emergencies Act will help Canada’s reputation abroad

Invoking the Emergencies Act will help Canada’s reputation abroad

The last thing supply chains needed was more human-induced logistical predicaments created by the very disruptive truckers’ convoy
The advances of 3D printing have brought society food, living tissue and cat helmets

The advances of 3D printing have brought society food, living tissue and cat helmets

Last week my husband gathered up the courage to break the news that he had bought a 3D printer with the help of a friend. A few days later it was in our home and set up in the living room beside the couch.
Teachers should keep using textbooks

Teachers should keep using textbooks

Teachers telling students to create their own knowledge by finding sources on the internet is just plain wrong
Family team building exercise, room cleaning

Family team building exercise, room cleaning

With Spring around the corner I figured it was time for the yearly family team building exercise that is cleaning my son’s room.
World Wetlands Day: Nature needs us to do more

World Wetlands Day: Nature needs us to do more

Canada’s largest land conservation organization says there has never been a more important time for nature conservation
Vaccine mandate for truckers puts extra pressure on grocers

Vaccine mandate for truckers puts extra pressure on grocers

Disqualified over 8,000 Canadian truckers from crossing the border, leading a shortage food at the grocers
Chicken surveillance and friend cameos

Chicken surveillance and friend cameos

We joined the wireless security community this weekend
FONG: Legal reform needed to protect young women from growing online sexual violence

FONG: Legal reform needed to protect young women from growing online sexual violence

Liberals promised to rework online harms legislation within 100 days of Parliament’s Nov. 22 return
Opinion: Dear card member…

Opinion: Dear card member…

A well known axiom states that a fool and his money is soon parted.