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The right move

If you thought the Alberta Health Services board was acting, or could act, independently from the Alberta Government, you were

Senate scandals

Are Canadian senators abusing the system by writing off more expenses than they are strictly entitled to, or are they simply taking

Continued redevelopment will pay off in long run

Some of you may have seen the following bulletin.

A bullying solution

It’s about time. The federal government has pledged $250,000 to fund a Red Cross anti-bullying program through the Department

A kind word and a smile don’t cost a penny

My uncle Fred died recently, and the world lost a truly kindhearted man.

Sense of community makes Lacombe great place to live

Lacombe is a community. By that, I mean more than the painfully obvious, that Lacombe is a locality which is inhabited by people

No link between religion and terrorism

Finally, we have someone recognizing that religion has nothing to do with it.

Exploring the harsh world of India’s orphans

You’ve got to hand it to people who just up and venture off to foreign lands on humanitarian missions

Council wisdom

At its regular May 14 meeting, Blackfalds Town council voted to refer back to administration and if necessary the committee

Local reader takes issue with a recent education column

I would like to take this opportunity to share some thoughts about a guest editorial written by Kelly Ernst